Also, I have to explain the icon thing. Okay, so, I don't have to, but, I feel compelled to. I love icons. I love the cuteness of simple squares containing art and sayings. I love the moving ones. I love the plain ones with just one thing on them. I love the ones with sayings on them... and I love giving credit. Unfortunately, when I went through a major infatuation with icons a few years ago, I didn't keep track of where I got them. This was in the days of Xanga and the early days of My______. I had literally over a thousand saved on my computer and, from there, on my Photobucket. I've been going through the PB collection so I can actually use them on here. If I have used your icon and didn't know it, I'm so sorry. I'll do better.
Here's some of the favs:
we live in perverted times, my friend. i love all of them.