You guys thought I forgot, didn't you? You thought I bailed. I didn't. I'm here. I have the review!
(disclaimer: I don't have the best camera nor do I know how to use the camera I do have well. This is not about having perfectly done nails. Really.)

I went to Sally's Beauty Supply with Mom and looked around for this "crackle" nail polish I'd been hearing about and seeing all over the web. I didn't see it. I walked up to the counter and asked if I was just kinda blind and missing it. The girl smiled and said I was in the right place. She pulled the box out from behind the counter and proceeded to gush about this nail polish. I text Somewhere just to be sure he was okay with the idea of me paying $7 for a bottle of nail polish.
He was, with a claus. "You have to do a review."
Twist my arm why don't you?
I happily agreed and bought it in a refreshing color called "Crushed Candy."
About a month ago.
It's about time for me to keep my end of the deal. :)
Some big tips to remember before I start though.
- This nail polish DOES NOT work on natural nails. You have to have a polish on underneath.
- This nail polish works so much better if the base polish is completely dry first before you paint over it.
- Be patient. It takes time to learn how best to use this kind of polish.
Anddd action!
I started out with multi colored nails.
I used five different colours for my bases.
(Colors and brands listed at the end.)
I did this pretty quick, so it looks a little rough. A good thing to remember is you have to go quick with this stuff. Also, the thickness of the layer makes a big difference. The amount of strokes changes it too.
Basically, it does take getting used to so you can get the effect you want within reason.
Part of the beauty of this is also it's curse in that it changes every time. It will never crack the same way twice. I did each finger differently in this case, so you can get an idea of what you can do.
The thumb is a black base.
I did it quick and pretty light, but I missed the base.
I tapped a little on the base to cover my mistake. You can see the line too well, but if you don't tell, they won't know.
The index finger, with its bright purple
is an example of what happens when you go over a second time.
You can see the split of the three areas. It was also heavyish stokes.
The middle finger is a good example of if you lay it on quick and thick.
I love this colour on white. It might be neat to do half and half of white and a darker shade.
It's a chunky, well separated look when you use thick, quick stokes.
The blue based ring finger:
This one I did very quick and light stokes.
I took it to the side to add variety.
Many people just run the brush lengthwise.
Dark purple pinkie:
This purple color is one of my favourtites but it just doesn't make it pop with the crackle.
I like the somewhat muted look of it, but, a polish like this begs for drama.
This was just a heavy, normal speed stroke.
I decided to mess around with a few quick designs on my right hand.
One of my favorites, that I do most of the time that I wear this polish, is this slant streak.
It adds such a nice splash of chaos without letting it take over. I also did a couple squiggles that look
pretty awesome, but since they were on the white, I gave up trying to get a good shot.
This is not a nail polish for everyone. Its so fun, though, that you should try it, just in case it is for you.
Have fun and look up reviews and tutorials on this if you are stumped how to use it. There are so, so many extremely talented people out there who have done so much with this type of nail polish its nuts!
There are many brands that carry a crackle/shatter line. O.P.I, Cover Girl [where? I don't know] and Mia Secret all carry them.
Thanks so much for reading! Let me know which color you liked the crackle with best, and if you have them, let me know what you think of crackle nail polishes.
Color Names
I am not an affiliate of China Glaze or any of the other companies listed.
I simply did this review for fun, they have no idea who I am. :)